Numbers in Spanish: Terms You Need to Know
One of the most important building blocks to understanding any language is understanding its numbers. After all, we use them often in our ever day lives, whether we realize it or not. So, in this article, we'll dive into the Spanish words for numbers, from basic digits to slightly more complex concepts.
Numbers in Spanish
Now, let’s get into more than 200 number-related terms you should know in Spanish!
General numerical terms
Spanish | English |
el número | number |
número entero | whole number |
número decimal | decimal number |
número primo | prime number |
número impar | odd number |
número par | even number |
fracción | fraction |
Basic numbers
Spanish | Number |
cero | 0 |
uno | 1 |
dos | 2 |
tres | 3 |
cuatro | 4 |
cinco | 5 |
seis | 6 |
siete | 7 |
ocho | 8 |
nueve | 9 |
diez | 10 |
once | 11 |
doce | 12 |
trece | 13 |
catorce | 14 |
quince | 15 |
dieciséis | 16 |
diecisiete | 17 |
dieciocho | 18 |
diecinueve | 19 |
veinte | 20 |
veintiuno | 21 |
veintidós | 22 |
veintitrés | 23 |
veinticuatro | 24 |
veinticinco | 25 |
veintiséis | 26 |
veintisiete | 27 |
veintiocho | 28 |
veintinueve | 29 |
treinta | 30 |
cuarenta | 40 |
cincuenta | 50 |
sesenta | 60 |
setenta | 70 |
ochenta | 80 |
noventa | 90 |
Spanish | Number |
cien | 100 |
doscientos | 200 |
trescientos | 300 |
cuatrocientos | 400 |
quinientos | 500 |
seiscientos | 600 |
setecientos | 700 |
ochocientos | 800 |
novecientos | 900 |
Large Numbers
Spanish | Number |
mil | 1,000 |
dos mil | 2,000 |
diez mil | 10,000 |
cien mil | 100,000 |
un millón | 1,000,000 |
un billón | 1,000,000,000 |
un trillón | 1,000,000,000,000 |
Numbers (in detail)
Spanish | Number |
treinta y uno | 31 |
ciento uno | 101 |
trescientos cuarenta | 340 |
novecientos noventa y nueve | 999 |
mil quinientos cincuenta | 1,550 |
un millón novecientos mil ochocientos uno | 1,900,801 |
mil ochocientos millones setecientos ochenta mil quinientos | 1,800,780,500 |
un billón seiscientos mil cuatrocientos millones quinientos mil doscientos cuatro | 1,600,400,500,204 |
Ordinal Numbers
Spanish | English |
primero | 1st |
segundo | 2nd |
tercero | 3rd |
cuarto | 4th |
quinto | 5th |
sexto | 6th |
séptimo | 7th |
octavo | 8th |
noveno | 9th |
décimo | 10th |
undécimo | 11th |
duodécimo | 12th |
decimotercero | 13th |
decimocuarto | 14th |
decimoquinto | 15th |
decimosexto | 16th |
decimoséptimo | 17th |
decimoctavo | 18th |
decimonoveno | 19th |
vigésimo | 20th |
vigésimo primero | 21st |
vigésimo segundo | 22nd |
vigésimo tercero | 23rd |
vigésimo cuarto | 24th |
vigésimo quinto | 25th |
vigésimo sexto | 26th |
vigésimo séptimo | 27th |
vigésimo octavo | 28th |
vigésimo noveno | 29th |
trigésimo | 30th |
trigésimo primero | 31st |
cuadragésimo | 40th |
quincuagésimo | 50th |
sexagésimo | 60th |
septuagésimo | 70th |
octogésimo | 80th |
nonagésimo | 90th |
centésimo | 100th |
centésimo primero | 101st |
ducentésimo | 200th |
tricentésimo | 300th |
cuadringentésimo | 400th |
quingentésimo | 500th |
sexcentésimo | 600th |
septingentésimo | 700th |
octingentésimo | 800th |
noningentésimo | 900th |
milésimo | 1,000th |
millonésimo | 1,000,000th |
billonésimo | 1,000,000,000th |
trillonésimo | 1,000,000,000,000th |
Spanish | English |
un medio | one-half (½) |
un tercio | one-third (⅓) |
un cuarto | one-fourth (¼) |
un quinto | one-fifth (⅕) |
un sexto | one-sixth (⅙) |
un séptimo | one-seventh (⅐) |
un octavo | one-eighth (⅛) |
un noveno | one-ninth (⅑) |
un décimo | one-tenth (⅒) |
Spanish | English |
cero punto uno | zero point one (0.1) |
cero punto dos | zero point two (0.2) |
cero punto tres | zero point three (0.3) |
cero punto cuatro | zero point four (0.4) |
cero punto cinco | zero point five (0.5) |
Spanish | English |
doble | double |
triple | triple |
cuádruple | quadruple |
quíntuple | quintuple |
Time-related numbers
Spanish | English |
una vez | once |
dos veces | twice |
tres veces | thrice |
cuarto de hora | quarter-hour |
media hora | half-hour |
un siglo | a century |
Spanish | English |
por ciento | percent |
uno por ciento | one percent (1%) |
dos por ciento | two percent (2%) |
cincuenta por ciento | fifty percent (50%) |
setenta y cinco por ciento | seventy-five percent (75%) |
noventa y nueve por ciento | ninety-nine percent (99%) |
cien por ciento | one hundred percent (100%) |
Approximate numbers
Spanish | English |
unos pocos | a few |
varios | several |
decenas | tens |
cientos | hundreds |
miles | thousands |
miles de millones | billions |
docenas | dozens |
un montón | a lot |
un par de | a couple of |
alrededor de | around |
Mathematical terms
Spanish | English | Example in Spanish | Example in English |
sumar | to add | Vamos a sumar cinco y seis. | Let's add five and six. |
más | plus | Cinco más seis es igual a once. | Five plus six equals eleven. |
restar | to subtract | Restemos diez menos tres. | Let's subtract ten minus three. |
menos | minus | Diez menos tres es igual a siete. | Ten minus three equals seven. |
multiplicar | to multiply | Multiplica tres por cuatro. | Multiply three by four. |
por | times | Tres por cuatro es igual a doce. | Three times four equals twelve. |
dividir | to divide | Divide ocho entre dos. | Divide eight by two. |
dividido por | divided by | Ocho dividido por dos es igual a cuatro. | Eight divided by two equals four. |
al cuadrado | squared | Dos al cuadrado es igual a cuatro. | Two squared equals four. |
la mitad de | half of | La mitad de ocho es cuatro. | Half of eight is four. |
igual a | equal to | Cuatro más cuatro es igual a ocho. | Four plus four is equal to eight. |
redondear | to round | Vamos a redondear 3.7 a cuatro. | Let's round 3.7 to four. |
resultado | result | El resultado de la suma es veinte. | The result of the addition is twenty. |
la diferencia | difference | La diferencia entre diez y seis es cuatro. | The difference between ten and six is four. |
proporcional | proportional | El pago es proporcional al trabajo realizado. | The payment is proportional to the work done. |
el resto | remainder | El resto de diez dividido por tres es uno. | The remainder of ten divided by three is one. |
más de | more than | Hay más de cinco manzanas en la mesa. | There are more than five apples on the table. |
menos de | less than | Hay menos de diez estudiantes en la clase. | There are less than ten students in the class. |
hasta | up to | El número de participantes puede ser hasta cien. | The number of participants can be up to 100. |
entre | between | El precio está entre diez y veinte dólares. | The price is between 10 and 20 dollars. |
el dígito | digit | El dígito de la respuesta es nueve. | The digit of the answer is nine. |
el cálculo | calculation | El cálculo para resolver esto es sencillo. | The calculation to solve this is simple. |
Spanish | English |
uno a uno | one to one (1:1) |
uno a dos | one to two (1:2) |
uno a tres | one to three (1:3) |
uno a diez | one to ten (1:10) |
Statistics and data
Spanish | English |
las estadística | statistics |
el porcentaje | percentage |
el promedio | average |
la media | mean |
la mediana | median |
la moda | mode |
la desviación estándar | standard deviation |
la varianza | variance |
la gráfica | graph/chart |
la muestra | sample |
el rango | range |
la proporción | proportion |
la cifra | figure |
el promedio | average |
Other related terms
Spanish | English |
la repetición | repetition |
la frecuencia | frequency |
el intervalo | interval |
la cantidad exacta | exact quantity |
Want to learn more?
Learning Spanish words for numbers can make everyday life a lot easier—whether you're working with basic numbers, or slightly more complicated ones.
So, next time you’re dealing with numbers in Spanish, hopefully you know exactly what to say! And if you need more help with this, check out our blog! Read more here.